Eastern Wormsnake

Length 7.5 -11 in
Probably no snakes more closely resemble an earthworm than the worm snakes. They have a small, pinkish brown body, shiny iridescent scales, and a small, narrow head which is not distinct from the translucent body.

Worm snakes range throughout the southern third of the state. These reptile versions of the nightcrawler are rarely encountered in the open, but can be discovered under large, flat slabs of rock, logs, and other debris. They show a marked preference for moist earth, such as hillside seeps. During dry weather worm snakes work deep into the ground, seeking moisture.

Although worm snakes do not bite, when handled they continually try to push between one's fingers with both their head and tail--which has a spinelike tip. This tail spine has deceived some people into believing that snakes have stingers; however, no snakes has a stinger. Worms and soft-bodied insect make up the bulk of the worm snake's diet.