Length 6 ft

By virtue of their large size, timber  rattlers are the most dangerous
snakes in eastern America.  They may attain a length in excess of
six feet, but average three to four feet  long. Fortunately, when encountered
most timber rattlers are mild in  disposition unless aroused, and make
little attempt to rattle or strike. Most  remain coiled or quickly crawl away
if given the opportunity. However, if  thoroughly aroused they can make a
good showing.   The first part of the scientific name, Crotalus, is derived from the Greek  word krotalon, which means a  "rattle." The second part, horridus, is  the Latin word for "standing on end." Combined, they provide an excellent  description of the rattler's stalking pose.

Because of their secretive nature,  their numbers have been drastically
reduced by development. They prefer dry, wooded hill  country where they prey on a variety of small warmblooded animals. They eat small mammals, birds, lizards, frogs.

Contrary to popular belief, the age of  rattlesnake cannot be determined by
counting the number of rattles at the  end of its tail. A new segment
develops every time the skin is shed,  two to four times per year, and old
segments occasionally break off.