SOLs - C/T6-8.2, 6-8.9
Picture 1
Picture 2


The learner will be able to use layers to create an image that combines the two photos of the beach.

GIMP Concepts and Tools


  1. Width and height
  2. Layers
  3. Rectangle Select
  4. Move
  5. Scale
  6. Copy and Paste



  1. Open GIMP
  2. Click File then New
  3. Select a width of 800 and a height of 533
  4. Copy and paste picture 1 of the house
  5. Click File then New
  6. Select a width of 800 and a height of 533
  7. Copy and paste picture 2 of the horse
  8. Use the Rectangle Select tool to draw a rectangle around the horse - The tighter the      rectangle easier it will be
  9. copy and paste the horse to the house picture
  10. Use the move tool to move the horse, the scale tool to adjust the size and the eraser tool to       blend