Reciprocal Teaching


Based on the data from the Civil War database the South won most of the battles in Virginia early in the war, but the North won most of the battles at the end. Use the information below and reciprocal teaching to explain what happened to cause this change.

Events that Changed the War.

Emancipation Proclamation was a historic document that led to the end of slavery in the United States. President Abraham Lincoln issued the proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, during the American Civil War. It declared freedom for slaves in all areas of the Confederacy that were still in rebellion against the Union. As a result many slaves stopped working and began moving northward. The proclamation also provided for the use of blacks in the Union Army and Navy. As a result, it greatly influenced the North's victory in the war.




 The North

The South


22 Million

5.5 Million (plus slaves)


22,000 Miles

9,000 Miles


118,000 Factories

20,600 Factories

Money in Banks 421.9 Million 76 Million
Grain Production 717 million Bushels 316 million bushels


The Union Blockade

A blockade is the patrolling of an enemy country's coasts by warships to keep the country from receiving goods it needs to wage war. Nations with adequate naval forces can use the blockade to keep their enemies from getting arms, munitions, and even food from neutral countries. The Union established a blockade of South early in the Civil War. Slowly the Union blockade began to choke off trade to the South. Daring southern sailors, called blockade runners, often slipped goods past Union ships, however, they could not break the blockade.