
Use Google Earth to look up the following latitudes and longitudes. Use the links below to learn about the location and write a 3 sentence description for each one. Make sure you list the locations in the correct order. You may download the KLM file to help.
  Latitude Longitude
1 38.0102 -78.4523
2 37.9824 -78.4555
3 38.7080 -77.0861
4 38.2188 -78.1685
5 37.2711 -76.70476
6 37.23076 -76.5026
7 38.8052 -77.5720
8 37.11966 -79.7318
9 37.37756 -78.7960601
10 37.2225 -76.78667
11 36.6319 -76.47857
12 37.2439 -77.3569